
Happy Birthday Brady!

My little man turns 7 today.  I don't even understand how this happened.  You all, this kid is AWESOME!  I am not just saying that because I am his momma, he is seriously the coolest.  I give his older sister and brother credit for teaching him all their cool ways ;)....

Living in the Moment – October

October is always such a busy month for us.  Between the kids sports and activities, school, parent teacher conferences and photography sessions I have to try really hard to intentionally take a deep breath and take it all in.  There are some days I do it well and...

Living in the Moment – July

It has felt so so good to be home this month.  We tried to soak in as much fun as we could knowing that once August hit our summer starts to slip away from us.  Grateful for our summer together as a family. Bella  ...

Living in the Moment – June

Our first full month of summer.  I have to say we were all ready for a break.  I tell my kids how incredibly lucky they are to have two parents who are teachers.  We have the ENTIRE summer to spend together.  What a gift!  We love the pool, kings island, sleeping in,...

Living in the Moment – May

After a crazy few months, we were so grateful my brother and his family came into town this month!  Absolutely the highlight of the month!  My sister's kids had not met Reese before, so they were incredible thrilled.  We had an amazing time hangin with the family and...

Shine Like Sable

I have sat down to write this post many many times in the last several weeks.  Something kept nudging me to blog about it, but my words just never felt enough to explain these last several weeks.   You see a bit over a month ago, one of Bella's best friends, our...

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