Happy Birthday Jacob
Happy Birthday Brady!
My little man turns 7 today. I don’t even understand how this happened. You all, this kid is AWESOME! I am not just saying that because I am his momma, he is seriously the coolest. I give his older sister and brother credit for teaching him all their cool ways ;). He is smart, funny, compassionate, competitive and such a hoot. He has energy I can’t even explain and he can talk non-stop for hours. He tries everything he can to get an extra 5 minutes on youtube. And he loves candy like his sister. One of his favorite things to do is to play football in the basement with kevin, bella, and jacob. He gets beat up way more than he should from his siblings, but he can fight with the best of them. Pokemon is a current obsession. This year he has played baseball, he started lacrosse in the spring, swam on the swim team in the summer, and he just started basketball. His math skills are insane, but I can’t say he enjoys reading. He LOVES to snuggle his mom and dad and will still often sneak his way into our bedroom at night. If Bella and Jacob aren’t home, he will ask every 5 minutes when they will be home. He appears super outgoing, but is easily embarrassed . He chews his nails when nervous to the point they bleed. He makes us giggle every single day and says way too many potty words. His heart is so big and he loves his family big. He is a pretty awesome kid and goodness I couldn’t be more grateful for the gift of being his momma.
I asked him a few questions on his birthday because, well, it just seemed like a fun thing to do….
what do you want to be when you grow up: an army man
what is your favorite color: blue
who is your best friend: Luke
what is your favorite food: pizza
favorite subject at school: math
if you could go anywhere for the day where would you go? ohio state game
what do you like about your family? they are nice.
if you had one wish what would you wish for? to be a famous football player
what is your favorite thing to do? play dominoes
what is your favorite sport to play: baseball
how old are your mom and dad: 41 and 40 (smart boy)
Living in the Moment – October
October is always such a busy month for us. Between the kids sports and activities, school, parent teacher conferences and photography sessions I have to try really hard to intentionally take a deep breath and take it all in. There are some days I do it well and some days I certainly do not.
A big highlight of the month was watching Jacob’s cross country season finish up and Jacob making the Mason GMC team. Not only did he make the team, but his cross country team won first place in the GMC. Our family just LOVED watching Jacob in this new sport. So proud of his dedication, grit and determination to get better with each race. It was also such a fun family even watching jacob run. Bella and Brady were great cheerleaders!
Halloween was a blast. Brady is at such a fun age for Halloween. I mean come on, what kid doesn’t love the idea of running house to house and getting a bucket filled with candy, haha! But man, watching my little guy running house to house with a skip in his walk and a constant giggle was beyond fun. Even with freezing temperatures! The other two had a blast as well of course.
Living in the moment – September
living in the moment – August
Living in the Moment – July
It has felt so so good to be home this month. We tried to soak in as much fun as we could knowing that once August hit our summer starts to slip away from us. Grateful for our summer together as a family. Bella
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